Cami and Josh are a really cute couple. Both from Texas, they are getting married next summer back home where all their family and friends are, but wanted a Colorado feel for their engagement photos. We really couldn’t have had a better evening for a shoot. The weather started just slightly breezy and sunny. Then half way through it started raining so we headed inside for some more shots. As soon as it let up, we headed back outside to dark clouds (love them!) and… a rainbow! Even better! It was meant to be. 🙂
Here are just a few of my favorites from the day.
Then it started to rain… so we headed inside for a bit. 🙂
This one makes me happy. 🙂
He just got his ring that week so we had to show them both off. 🙂
My favorite!Cami and Josh, thanks for a great time and for braving the weather. It was so worth it! 🙂 I wish you both the very best and good luck during your final year here in the springs! 🙂