The Kurtz Family

Here’s another wonderful family I am blessed to have in my life. We took off in the late afternoon one fine day (during a month I’m not going to mention because it was so long ago, like August) and did some photos around downtown of them and their two kiddos. 🙂 Okay… let’s get this straight. No, I really don’t slack during the summer months and just forget to blog — it’s actually just the opposite! Since busy (wedding) season for me is from May through to October, I only take on a limited number of family photo shoots during those months. And, although my clients get their photos in a timely manner, they usually don’t make it to the blog until winter due to weddings taking up most of my blog all summer long. Whew! Now I feel better about explaining myself to you so you didn’t think I just disappear during those months and just not blog. 😉 Okay, enough about me… now, on to the photos! Thanks guys!! I hope we can do this again soon. 🙂

M + S + H — Family Photos

If you were a bride/groom of mine sometime this past summer, you’ll probably recognize Sarah! She’s one of my second photographers at weddings and this is her family! We did these photos a bit before Christmas (told you I was behind on blogging!) when all the leaves were still on the ground rather than snow. 😉 We did this session in about 15 minutes due to the lack of light in the location we were in and the sun setting, but nonetheless we had fun! Thanks Sarah for all you do! You are not only a blessing to have at weddings as my other set of eyes, but also as my friend. 🙂

The Brown Family

I met this cute family a little bit before Thanksgiving and it was a lovely evening out, especially for that time of year! She didn’t complain once the entire shoot… but even if she did it wouldn’t have mattered because she’s so cute! 🙂 It was so nice meeting you three — I hope we get to do this again soon! 🙂

Julie & Jeremy – Mess the Dress

I have officially been gone way too long in the blog world. These past few months have been crazy around here with getting the final albums out to couples from the past few weddings, then the holidays came and went — now that things are calming down, and I realized I still have quite a few shoots to post! I met up with Julie and Jeremy on a cold day in October (told you I’m behind!!) for a Mess the Dress photo shoot. We had literally been planning this shoot since their wedding in February. She knew she wanted to do something like this after the wedding, and when everything calmed down for them post wedding, we met out in a field in east Colorado Springs with their favorite “horse powers”. 🙂 There’s something about the clouds east of the Rockie Mountains that are just amazing. Since moving here, I’ve been blessed to be out at numerous photo shoots and watch clouds produce such dark colors that just look awesome in photos. However, these ones later produced large rain drops as well. ;(