Phineas (2 months old)

There’s something about taking newborn photos without any props that soothes my soul. The images show quiet moments. Soft, cuddly baby parts. Life in a world where time doesn’t exist and there’s no worries or stress. It’s natural and real. And I’m in love. I’m in love with a little man named Phineas. He came into my life 2 months ago and now I can’t imagine my life without him. I want to remember these moments because as they did with my other two sons, the moments went by so quickly. I want to remember the swirl on the top of his head, his chunky little legs. In just a few months he’ll be crawling and laughing, and then he’ll have opinions and greater needs than just being with his momma in these quiet moments in my room. I hope you enjoy this sneak peek into my heart. – Megan