The Stennett Family (Colorado Springs, CO)

I have a beautiful friend named Sarah and she has a beautiful family. Three girls and a great husband and they asked me into their home to take some family photos now that their youngest daughter is here. These family photos make me smile SO much. They are bright and happy and these girls are so cute. There was lots of excitement as the oldest two girls loved on their little sister. There was the chaos of it being the first few weeks with a newborn. Again. But it was wonderful. And I loved being a part of it. These are my favorite types of family photos to take.  Thanks Sarah and Rob for trusting me with these moments.

Phineas (2 months old)

There’s something about taking newborn photos without any props that soothes my soul. The images show quiet moments. Soft, cuddly baby parts. Life in a world where time doesn’t exist and there’s no worries or stress. It’s natural and real. And I’m in love. I’m in love with a little man named Phineas. He came into my life 2 months ago and now I can’t imagine my life without him. I want to remember these moments because as they did with my other two sons, the moments went by so quickly. I want to remember the swirl on the top of his head, his chunky little legs. In just a few months he’ll be crawling and laughing, and then he’ll have opinions and greater needs than just being with his momma in these quiet moments in my room. I hope you enjoy this sneak peek into my heart. – Megan