The arrival of Samuel Adventure

If you’ve ever wanted to meet a real life superhero, you just need to meet a mom. I love birth photography for so many reasons, but the real reason is because this amazing woman carries a baby for many months, her body changing, moods changing, and if it’s her first, her life really changes (as does for the dad, but this is about moms at the moment. ;). It’s an incredibly selfless act to bring a child into the world and being a first hand witness to a life being born beings me incredible, immeasurable joy. It’s no doubt God is in that very moment and each of those moments are so very different from the next. It is a huge honor for someone to ask me to photograph their child being born. So many things to consider on a personal level for each of my clients, and I am so thankful Ann and Joe trusted me to be there. Not only was it a wonderful experience, I felt like I left with two new friends. Ann is one of those superheroes. She called me last Wednesday saying she had been having contractions since about 8am. We prearranged that she […]

The Brown Family

This family doesn’t need an introduction at all. If you’ve been following my blog for any amount of time, you’ll recognize them. They are my wonderful, sweet friends! If you’re new to my blog, welcome, and you’ll have to check back through my previous posts to see their engagement, wedding, trash the dress, maternity, and newborn photos!  They are so loyal and if they ever move away, I’ll have to follow them because I can’t imagine not taking photos for them every year. 😀 When I jumped in the car to head to the location of the shoot, I asked them if anything was new for them since we last saw one another, and they told me they just found out they were expecting baby #2!! Yay!! He/she will be arriving this fall. I am SO excited for them and looking forward to meeting and photographing their new little person very soon. Thanks so much for allowing me to be a part of your life — it means the world to me. Love you guys.